Want to address and print this envelope design? 💌 Just click Address this envelope. It takes as little as 3 minutes. ⏱️ (We've timed it.)
(We'll show you how to load it)
Blooming Together
Bold Invitation
Fresh Flowers
Candy Hearts
Rose Leaf
Kitten Friends
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If your project has addresses in it, you will not lose it. It is already saved in "My Projects" under the account iconin the top right of your screen.
This design does not support a return address on the front.
Please choose either flap or none.
Head's up! If you're planning to send this through the mail, the USPS charges extra for:
Non-rectangular envelopes
Length divided by height less than 1.3 or more than 2.5
Square envelopes
Height less than 3.5 inches
Width less than 5 inches
Height greater than 6.125 inches
Width greater than 11.5 inches